The people who dive from El Cozumeleno are pretty nice. Because they tend to be beginners they are eager to learn and super respectful about Marine life.
I love that the dives are shallow. This is easy on my body and means I can run and lift weights after work. Most people who guide from boats are diving 4 dives a day, starting at around 100ft. This is tough on you physically and really restricts what you can do in terms of exercise and your own personal diving.
Another thing I like is that I always dive in the same area. This is nice because I am getting to know the marine life down there. For example there is one coral head where I know a family of yellow stingrays live:
My favorite fish off sunset beach is the trunk fish. Here is a little video I took of one:
The snorkelers clearly feed these fish and so they are completely unafraid of people. This is nice and at some points in the dive you can swim amongst big groups of trunk, cow and parrot fish.
One of my recent students took some pictures of us gearing up. I'm hoping he will send those to me so I can give you an idea of the set up.
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