Swimming underwater backwards!!!! It all just clicked after hours of practicing. I can now swim forwards, pause and then stick it in reverse, pull myself back in an even trim, pause, and then forwards again. Miguel was very excited to see a seahorse. I was excited to move close to the seahorse and then back off - move closer again and then back!!! Did I say that I CAN FIN BACKWARDS!!!
I have to give thanks where thanks is due and the most must go to Hans' friend Patrick who is a cave instructor with
Protec in Playa. He was kind enough to run through the fin motion with me on his day off before we all dove in Xunaan Ha. Allie also
blogged on this day with more pics. Let me tell you I looked very glamorous hanging off the back over Patrick's truck practicing the leg movements for forwards and backwards frog kicks:
Patrick teaches this very well though and it was this exercise which was definitely the turning point. Before I go back in the water with Steve on October 20, I want to do a few more dives in the Ocean here, to make sure I have this skill down and then hopefully a cave dive or two with Hans & Allie to put it all into practice. This will be a well earned certification!!
I am so pleased to have accomplished this today as I was really starting to think I would never get it.
1 comment:
Congrats, I was never taught the back kick in cave class in FLA and am realizing through your blogs that it's a necessary skill in Mexico. So I'm practicing in the pool before I head over to Playa next month for two weeks of cave diving, hopefully it will click with me as well.
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