Tuesday, October 21, 2008

FULL CAVE DIVER - yeah baby

I spent Sunday running lines all over the cavern section of Taj Mahal with Hans. I practiced finning backwards while tying in, over and over again. The visability was pretty messed up when we were done, but I got a lot of practice to build on my obsessive swimming backwards in the ocean.
Yesterday was Taj Mahal again with Steve - we went off to the Chinese Garden room off the left cave line. Thank the lord, everything went smoothly. No dropping my knees at tie offs - some successful backing off of tie ins. Believe me, there is still room for improvement, but overall it showed that I'd been practicing my ass off. Those with a keen eye will have seen, from Miguel's video, that my trim is still a little knees down, this gives my frog kick a little rock. Steve informed me that this fault is referred to as 'a braying donkey' - nice:) His overall appraisal of the video was 'good videographer, nice fish'. In other words my fin strokes still leave a lot to be desired. Without knowing what the current was doing he was unable to draw conclusions on the skill of my backwards finning (Buggar! - worth a try though).
Anyway after much gnashing of teeth, pulling of hair, and cursing at myself underwater I am now a FULLY CERTIFIED CAVE diver.
Steve pronounced his verdicts after the first dive of the day and offered to dive a second dive with us. I decided to end on a high note for fear of doing something stupid during a second dive which might cause him to rethink his decision. Excited about doing some more dives now.
As a side note the Chinese Garden Room in Taj is beautiful. I would like to do that dive again with less pressure.


Johnny said...

Congratulations! Having earned the same cert last January, I know what a hard course it is to succeed in. And from what I've read, sounds like you've had a tougher teacher than me. So be proud of what you've accomplished.

Anna said...


Michele said...

Congratulations Anna! I am sure you passed your course with style and grace.

naidyfinn said...

well done flower...how's it all going? drop me a line and tell me the craic. have you got internet in your apartment yet? what's your skype address....

Anna said...

Michele - it was not the same without you!
Sinead I have internet in my apartment - I'm not sure of my skype address but will call you soon.