Sunday, July 6, 2008

Watch This Space

I will be arriving in Cozumel, Mexico, around September 10 2008. I plan to take my full cave certification on Sept 20-24, and hopefully secure work in the diving industry as an instructor well before December. I plan to document my diving adventures in this blog!!!


Matt Weatherbee said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog, bostontomexico. I'll look forward to following your journey!


Matt Weatherbee said...

Thanks for your comment. Crossing went fine. We crossed in Brownsville, Texas without anything. Be aware the customs office does not open till 8, so if you get to the border before then (like us) you'll have to wait!! We didn't declare anything, didn't need our pet health certificates, lien holder car permission letter nor title. I would say to be prepared for anything!! My friends in Playa actually recommend crossing in Laredo because the drive to Monterrey is gorgeous with high mountains. We missed that drive because we crossed at Brownsville. We're in Monterrey now and it's BEAUTIFUL. I guess if you choose Brownsville and then go down the coast (180) it's a straight shot but not beautiful - so we chose beauty and adventure instead!! Good luck to you! I'm not envious of your position because planning to move was the hardest part! Keep in touch.

Anna said...

Thanks Matt and Allan - did you check out my other blog:
I'm crossing the border on Thursday. Fingers crossed!! Perhaps we'll meet for a cool beer sometime in Playa:)

jessicat said...

Hi Anna-
So excited to start reading this blog! In the meantime enjoying following your travels on the other one! Looks like you're doing well! Keep in touch!
xoxo- Jessica