I dove with Miguel, Petros and Jim. We got a 2 min ride on a little zodiac boat out to the coral wall which lies about 200 meters off the Scuba Shack pier. I cant tell you how nice it was to hit the water. I love the excitement of New Jersey Wreck Diving, the thrill of the currents in the St Lawrence and the adventure and beauty of cave diving BUT the serenity of this type of reef diving is what I love best. Its like a drug for me. Within seconds of rolling into the water my brain sinks into a very peaceful place. All of the worrying I'd been doing over the last few days/ months melted away. The wall we dove on was sparse in coral but I amused myself searching for my favorite creatures - Arrow crabs!
Miguel guided us perfectly to the Papa Hogs Pier (he later admitted that there had been a fair amount of luck involved in this). Just off the pier is an artificial reef - which looks like a fairy castle with turrets of tube sponges set around its perimeter and fish clustered in its overhangs like beautiful glistening mobiles. The water temp must have been around 84 degrees. LOVELY!
well that doesn't sound like too bad a day by yourself!
i saw the football commentator John "Motty" Motson. not quite as good as an arrow crab :-)
So now I have to watch 2 blogs? Great!!
Sinbad - if I can dive every day I dont think I will ever be stressed again.
Jose - 4 if you include Hans' and Allie's
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